About my creations

Thursday, July 31, 2008

A little baking and other things..

I love to bake ! These days it doesn't happen too often, but from time to time I manage to whip something up. Who needs a reason to have cake or other baked items...

These are cinnamon twirls I made yesterday morning.

The boys love them and they are fast to make.

The plate they are on is one of my favorite pattern. It came from my husband's grandma.

I also have a bowl of this design . Isn't it pretty?

I don't know if she had more pieces of this design. Can't remember seeing any....

It would be nice to have more plates and such and who knows, I might find some in the future...


The watermelon plant has a little watermelon!!! Yeah!

It is about 4 inches/10 cm long now...
The boys are trying to predict how big it will get.

I will keep you posted on it's progress.

There are many more flowers, but I have not seen any other fruit.

1 comment:

  1. Ich liebe Zimtschnecken!!!
    Unbekannterweise viele Grüße aus good old Germany von ebenfalls dreifacher Jungsmama (bist Du doch, oder? - Deine "about me"-Seite funktioniert nicht, und ich war so neugierig;-)
    Gefunden habe ich Dich über Deinen DaWanda-Shop mit den wunderschönen Baby-Püppchen!
    Vielleicht auf bald


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