About my creations

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The last few days of 2008

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas .
I found this year I was more in the spirit then in other years, even though the weather here and the temperatures are not winter like at all.
Not being totally stressed out and taking time to prepare , bake and decorate might have been a big part of it.

This year all the kids slept until 8:00am and I was the first one up. Weird!
It gave me time to start the cinnamon buns and to make some coffee.
We took our time unwrapping gifts and enjoyed the happy faces.

In the afternoon we went to the beach. A first for us on Christmas, since last year we spend Christmas in Germany with my family.

First the boys didn't want to go, but then they had a good time after all.
I can't believe how big they are already!
Great kids!


  1. Dir und Deiner Familie wünsche ich ein gesundes, glückliches und vor allem kreatives neues Jahr.

    Und noch ein kleiner Spruch für 2009:

    Ein Leben ohne Genüsse
    dauert auch nicht länger.
    Es kommt einem nur länger vor!

    In diesem Sinne
    Liebste Herzblattgrüße

  2. Weihnachten und Strand...für mich irgendwie ein seltsames Bild...und doch sooo beneidenswert!
    Ich wünsche Dir und Deinen great kids & allen Lieben ein frohes neues Jahr! Auf das all Deine Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen!
    GLG Bine


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