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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Are you already tired of pictures of fall?
I'm not, can you tell?  :0)
I just missed it for so long and now I'm catching up.
Na, habt ihr schon genug von Herbstbildern?
Ich offentsichtlich nicht. :0)
Ich hab so einen schoenen Herbst so lange vermisst das ich nun einfach nachhole.

 There are so many lakes around here
Es gibt hier so viele Seen

 The back roads are just full of color now, but after the strong wind we had the last two days many leaves are falling already. I wonder how long this beauty will least...
Die Landstrassen sind nun voller Farbe aber nach den letzten 2 windigen Tagen  fangen die Blaetter auch an zu fallen. Ich bin mal gespannt wie lange dieses schoene Schauspiel anhaelt.

 We stopped at this beautiful creek
Wir haben an diesem schoenen Flueschen angehalten

 Bailey had a great time too.
Bailey fand das auch ganz toll.

Have a wonderful (Fall)Sunday wherever you are! 
Ich wuensche euch allen einen schoenen (Herbst)Sonntag wo immer ihr auch seit!

1 comment:

  1. It's so beautiful there! In Alaska we have mostly yellow leaves with a bit of red. I remember when I moved back to Alaska from Hawaii we drove the Alcan from Washington and up through Canada, I couldn't believes all the colors everywhere! Reds,purples yellows & golds, everything looked like it was florescent and glowing.There were a lot of their summer flowers still blooming too adding even more color. I hope to see that again in person some day. For now I will enjoy your beautiful pictures. :)
    Thanks for sharing!


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