About my creations

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Advent Calendars

Advents calendars are a part of the Christmas season as long as I can remember.
As a kid we always had a Advents Kalender. No matter how busy my mom was with the Christmas business in her store, she made sure we would have a calendar to count down the days until the 24.December. Christmas eve!
Little hand wrapped gifts with sweets and little special things for the Sundays.
As a teenager I started making calendars for my friends as well and later , after I had moved out, for my boyfriend and sisters . I remember one year when I lived with my now husband, I made 6 Advent calendars ! Most of my friends never had a calendar like this , maybe the chocolate one, but not handmade. I just love making them for people I care about.
I have made many different Advents calendar for my boys over the years and each child will get their own. This year is no different, even though I am so busy with making dolls. There has to be time for the calendars and I just got them ready in time, wrapping the little parcels until 2:30 am on Sunday morning( Thank you Rob for staying up with me! )

And here now the results


  1. Sie sehen sooo schön aus, Deine Adventskalender......ich kann mir vorstellen, dass Du gerade jetzt etwas Heimweh hast, wenn Du an Deine Heimat und ihre Bräuche denkst.
    ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Adventzeit und grüße Dich herzlich

  2. They are gorgeous!


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