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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Martial Arts and Alligators

Yesterday two of our boys had another testing in their martial arts club.
They are really enjoying martial arts and practise a lot on their own as well.
I am quiet proud of the enthusiasm they have shown since they started.
Both of them are now proud wearer of the orange belt!

In the afternoon the Canadian youth group had an outing with Airboat Adventures into the local waterways.
While we waited for everyone to arrive, we got to meet one of the alligators they have on site.

I was actually quiet surprised of how they feel. Not sure what I had expected, but I guess I had thought their skin would be much harder. It's cool to the touch of course, but somewhat soft.

This gator was very easy going.
One of the tour guides took the band off the gators snout to explain and show a few things to us.

By tapping the top of the snout lightly , the gator will open his mouth and you can see his 80 teeth! There are little wholes on the top edge of the yaw in which the bottom teeth fit when the mouth is closed.

I thought this was really cool!
Then, after a little delay the group took off in the airboats and my hubby and I went with another couple for a drink in a little restaurant across from the airboat adventure.


  1. glückwunsch, den beiden helden zum orangen gürtel!! meine mädels haben auch lange judo gemacht - aber nun leider nicht mehr, was ich sehr schade finde.

    wow, und du hast einen alligator gestreichelt :O ich hätte jetzt auch gedacht, dass der sich hart und schuppig anfühlt. und 80 zähne!!! hilfe - aber er wirkt ja wirklich sehr handzahm auf den fotos.

    lg, nicola


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